Friday, November 25, 2011

Easy and Effective Vocabulary Foldable

Here's an easy and effective vocabulary foldable you can have your students complete in a learning center. The foldable is easiest to understand by looking at the student sample shown below. The page is folded in half lengthwise and 5 flaps are cut from the top half. Words and illustrations are added to the outside of each flap, and sentences and definitions are added to the inside.

The first few times you use the activity, you'll want to use the free templates located on my Balanced Literacy page on Teaching Resources. After that, your students may be able to create their own by cutting and folding blank paper into the foldable shown here.

Introduce the activity by modeling it with the whole class and asking students to create their own as you demonstrate with a class foldable. The next time you use the foldable, have the students complete the words and illustrations on their own in a center. Later that day or the next, teach the vocabulary explicitly in small groups or as a whole class activity. After you introduce the meanings and have them practice using the words in sentences, they can complete the inside of the foldable on their own in a literacy center.

Visit the Balanced Literacy page on Teaching Resources for more center ideas!

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