Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Use Your Computer For a Listening Center

Does anyone else teach in a one computer classroom?  After two years as a computer teacher with a lab of 25 computers, this has been one of my hardest parts of my transition this year.  (Even harder than teaching a class where almost no one’s first language is English!)  However, one way that I have found to utilize my computer in a way that gets all the kids on it is to use it for my listening center.  There are lots of great websites that have “online stories” that children can listen to.  Here are three my kids really like:
1. Storyline Online – This is one of my favorites because it has storylinecelebrities reading really good, quality books to the students AND it shows the words of the book on the bottom, so students can follow along.
2. Reading Is FundamentalrifThis site has some great classic stories, like Cinderella and The Fox and the Grapes, and all the stories have the words for the students to follow along with.
3. Mighty Booksmightybook – These original stories are very colorful, animated and well read.  You can get more books with a subscription, but there are 8 stories you can listen to for free!

If you need a recording sheet for your students when they are at the listeningcenterlistening center – HERE is a quick, easy one I have in Google Docs.

Check out Raki’s Rad Resources’ Wednesday Website Suggestion for more websites to use in your computer center.

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