- Have students read the back cover of a book and send themselves an email prediction of what the book will be about, scheduling the email for at date when they think they will be done reading it. Not only will they work on predicting and writing, but they’ll be super excited to get the email when it arrives, and they can check their prediction. You could do the same type of prediction with math concepts.
- If you are setting goals, let students record those goals in an e-mail to themselves, scheduled out for whenever they are wanting to accomplish their goals (end of the year, end of the quarter, end of the month etc.). Then when they receive their email, it’s conference time – did you meet your goal? Why or Why not?
- Use this to build a KWL chart for science or social studies. Let students write themselves an email at the beginning of a unit with what they know and want to know. Then, schedule the email for the end of the unit and let them see what they have learned that they can add to the chart.
The possibilities are endless! To find out more about how to access this site – check out my recent post at Raki’s Rad Resources.
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