Hello Everyone,
I've been working rigorously on making sure I'm up to speed on the COMMON CORE STANDARDS! One thing I know for sure is that there is no easy way of learning the standards. You must dive into each standard head first and learn/understand it one standard at a time.
The COMMON CORE STANDARDS are compiled into ONE ENORMOUS document. I find it more feasible to break it down standard by standard. Since the majority of us will take the COMMON CORE test soon, I am pretty sure your administrators will really look for some evidence of the COMMON CORE STANDARDS being implemented in your class this year. Hanging the COMMON CORE STANDARDS in your classroom, and tagging the particular standard you are teaching that week will make sure you are covering what is expected on the upcoming test. In addition, it will help your students understand the standard being taught that week. When your students understand the goal each week, they will start to take more ownership of their learning.
Below, you will see sample posters of the COMMON CORE STANDARDS you could hang in your classroom.

CLICK BELOW to obtain a copy of the posters for K-5 COMMON CORE STANDARDS. I love this because it will save us a lot of time looking up each standard for every lesson and it will help us use our time more efficiently!! 6-12 posters for COMMON CORE STANDARDS are coming soon!
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