Sunday, October 23, 2011

Facebook Writing Motivation In Your Classroom!

Hey all!

This is Melissa of Plug-n-Plan!  I'm so excited to be contributing to this awesome new blog resource!

I originally posted this idea in my blog as a writing activity which I have used to motivate my students to finish their work, but this would also make a great writing center!

The idea is to motivate your students to express their thoughts through Facebook-like statuses in what I call "Classbook"!  Here are some pictures of my class' Classbook posters in the hallway.

I've created a template to run through the poster machine so you can create a "classbook" status update page!  Each student has a profile picture and can update their status with a topic of their choice.  As a writing center you could have students update their statuses weekly (or daily depending on how your rotate centers).  Visit my original blogpost for the ideas of how to introduce and explain the activity.  Click on the links below to snag the templates!

Grab it in Publisher format!
Grab it in PDF Format

(If you open it in Publisher, make sure you have the font Franklin Gothic Medium!)

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