Thursday, January 8, 2015

Spelling IS Important!

Like it or not, the correct spelling of words affects academic success. Students are frequently assessed on their skills in written language because it is considered a strong indication of their intelligence. Spelling is an indication of a number of things when a person applies for a job. When correct spelling is used, words are readable and communication is clear. This convinces a prospective employer that the job applicant has been well educated.It also tells them that they take care of detail and take pride in what they present. Let’s face it, university applications and job resumes littered with spelling errors don’t make it very far becuz badd spilleng is hrd 2 undrstnd wen yuu reed it.

Furthermore, good spelling streamlines communication. By following the identical rules for spelling words, we can all understand the text we read. Likewise, good spelling avoids confusion. In a way spelling is similar to football. It is up to the person passing the ball to make sure the receiver actually catches it. The same goes for spelling. If you write with intent and proper spelling, the receiver of that text will understand it.

As teachers and parents, we should care about the fundamental part good spelling plays in our language and everyday lives. We owe it to our students to give them the necessary skills and essential spelling tools for learning and communication so they can be successful.
Spelling Shake Up

Spell Down

If you liked this article and would like to purchase some useful spelling resources,
check out these two games. Their purpose is to help and encourage students to practice spelling words in a non-threatening way.

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